Showing posts with label notes api. Show all posts
Showing posts with label notes api. Show all posts

Monday, September 25, 2023

Change Database ReplicaID programmatically

Here is a solution that change ReplicaId of NotesDatabase. Since native capabilities of LotusScript/Java classes do not allow such operation (at least yet), there is a way to do it using C Notes API. Our envrionment consists of both: Windows and Linux servers therefore I had to make a solution that cover both OS.


Public Const W32_LIB = {nnotes.dll}
Public Const LINUX_LIB = {}

	Innards(0 to 1) As Long
End Type

	ID As TIMEDATE			'ID that is same for all replica files
	Flags As Integer		'Replication flags
	CutoffInterval As Integer	'Automatic Replication Cutoff
	Cutoff As TIMEDATE		'Replication cutoff date
End Type

Declare sub W32_OSCurrentTimeDate Lib W32_LIB Alias "OSCurrentTIMEDATE"(Ret As TIMEDATE)
Declare Function W32_NSFDbOpen Lib W32_LIB Alias "NSFDbOpen" (ByVal dbName As String, hdb As Long) As Integer
Declare Function W32_NSFDbClose Lib W32_LIB Alias "NSFDbClose" (ByVal hdb As Long) As Integer
Declare Function W32_NSFDbReplicaInfoGet Lib W32_LIB Alias "NSFDbReplicaInfoGet" (ByVal hdb As Long, hdbr As DBREPLICAINFO) As Integer
Declare Function W32_NSFDbReplicaInfoSet Lib W32_LIB Alias "NSFDbReplicaInfoSet" (ByVal hdb As Long, hdbr As DBREPLICAINFO) As Integer

Declare Sub LINUX_OSCurrentTimeDate Lib LINUX_LIB Alias "OSCurrentTIMEDATE"(Ret As TIMEDATE)
Declare Function LINUX_NSFDbOpen Lib LINUX_LIB Alias "NSFDbOpen" (ByVal dbName As String, hdb As Long) As Integer
Declare Function LINUX_NSFDbClose Lib LINUX_LIB Alias "NSFDbClose" (ByVal hdb As Long) As Integer
Declare Function LINUX_NSFDbReplicaInfoGet Lib LINUX_LIB Alias "NSFDbReplicaInfoGet" (ByVal hdb As Long, hdbr As DBREPLICAINFO) As Integer
Declare Function LINUX_NSFDbReplicaInfoSet Lib LINUX_LIB Alias "NSFDbReplicaInfoSet" (ByVal hdb As Long, hdbr As DBREPLICAINFO) As Integer

Code C API (main part of it)

	Call W32_OSCurrentTimeDate(ReplicaID)
	Call LINUX_OSCurrentTimeDate(ReplicaID)
End If
ReplicaInfo.ID = ReplicaID
	rc = W32_NSFDbReplicaInfoSet(hDb, replicaInfo)
	rc = LINUX_NSFDbReplicaInfoSet(hDb, replicaInfo)
End If

You can find all solution on GitHub: DominoChangeDatabaseReplicaID

Friday, November 12, 2021

Clear database replication history programatically

Recently I had a need to make a solution that can periodically clean replication history for list of databases.

Native LotusScript/Java classes do not allow that, but there is an C API for that.

Here is a cross platform solution (works for Windows/Linux)


Public Const W32_LIB = {nnotes.dll}
Public Const LINUX_LIB = {}

Declare Function W32_NSFDbOpen Lib W32_LIB Alias {NSFDbOpen} (ByVal dbName As String, hDb As Long) As Integer
Declare Function W32_NSFDbClose Lib W32_LIB Alias {NSFDbClose} (ByVal hDb As Long) As Integer
Declare Function W32_NSFDbClearReplHistory Lib W32_LIB Alias {NSFDbClearReplHistory} (ByVal hDb As Long, flags As Integer) As Integer

Declare Function LINUX_NSFDbOpen Lib LINUX_LIB Alias {NSFDbOpen} (ByVal dbName As String, hDb As Long) As Integer
Declare Function LINUX_NSFDbClose Lib LINUX_LIB Alias {NSFDbClose} (ByVal hDb As Long) As Integer
Declare Function LINUX_NSFDbClearReplHistory Lib LINUX_LIB Alias {NSFDbClearReplHistory} (ByVal hDb As Long, flags As Integer) As Integer

Using C API functions

// get a handler to database
	rc = W32_NSFDbOpen(Server & "!!" & FileName, hDb)
	rc = LINUX_NSFDbOpen(Server & "!!" & FileName, hDb)
End If

// clear replication history
	rc = W32_NSFDbClearReplHistory(hDb, 0)
	rc = LINUX_NSFDbClearReplHistory(hDb, 0)
End If

// close datababase (be sure you always close hDb if you opened it, otherwise memory leak).
	rc = W32_NSFDbClose(hDb)
	rc = LINUX_NSFDbClose(hDb)
End If

Be sure that you always close hDb handler if you opened the database, otherwise it would lead to memory leak)

See the full solution on GitHub: DominoReplicationHistoryCleaner

Thursday, April 08, 2021

Checking if database is encrypted with LotusScript (C API)

Since it's not possible to identify encryption status and level using native LotusScript/Java classes here is a way to do that. The solution is based on Notes CAPI (within LotusScript) but it works for both Linux/Windows environment.

I will omit NSFDbOpen and NSFDbClose since it's easy to find out and focus instead on the main function: NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal.


Const NNOTES ="nnotes.dll"
Const LIBNOTES =""

Declare Public Function WIN_NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal Lib NNOTES Alias "NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal"(ByVal hDb As Long, state As Long, strength As Long) As Integer
Declare Public Function LIN_NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal Lib LIBNOTES Alias "NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal"(ByVal hDb As Long, state As Long, strength As Long) As integer

Function check encryption status

public Function NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal(hDB As Long, state As Long, strength As long) As Integer
 If isDefined("WINDOWS") Then
  NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal = WIN_NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal(hDb, state, strength)
 ElseIf isDefined("LINUX") Then
  NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal = LIN_NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal(hDb, state, strength)
 End If
End Function

Example how to use it

Private Function calcEncryption(database As NotesDatabase, doc As notesdocument)
 Dim sDb As String
 Dim hDb As Long
 Dim state As Long
 Dim encrypt As Long
 Dim rc As Integer

 sDb = database.server & "!!" & database.filepath

 rc = NSFDbOpen(sDb, hDb)
 If rc <> 0 Then Exit function

 rc = NSFDbLocalSecInfoGetLocal(hDB, state, encrypt)
 If rc <> 0 Then
  Error 9001, "Impossible to read encryption. Error code: " & CStr(rc)
 End If

 rc = NSFDbClose(hDb)
End Function
  • state: 0 (not encrypted), 1 (encrypted) or 2 (will be encrypted after compact)
  • encrypt: 1 (easy), 2 (middle), 3 (strong)

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Rewriting URL in Domino using DSAPI

I will briefly describe what we were aiming to achieve. In order to open page with parameters Domino requires to add ?open or ?opendocument action and only after that Domino allows to add parameters. It's quite annoying for us due to some integration with another systems, those systems expect they can simply add parameters just after our pages, i.e.: etc. Also important reason - we simply do not like this ?open or ?opendocument in URL.

we want to be able to that: ==>

I got couple helpful comments in my previous article about URL control in Domino, that helped me to look on different solutions, thanks guys. However I decided that those solutions a bit complicated to setup and they could do some impact on page load time.

I've been working on DSAPI solution last days and finally with some help I've made it! Now we have full control with our URLs, at least I've such feeling :). Let me share my small success to all of you.

Here you can find main steps you need to do. Please keep in mind, I've updated my code a bit as our logic has many rules when exactly to add parameters.

1. Enable flag to catch Rewrite URL event.
filterInitData->eventFlags = kFilterRewriteURL;
2. Link 'rewrite URL' event with you function.
DLLEXPORT unsigned int HttpFilterProc(FilterContext* context, unsigned int eventType, void* eventData) {
 switch (eventType) {
  case kFilterRewriteURL:
   return RewriteURL(context, (FilterMapURL *) eventData);
   return kFilterNotHandled;
3. Finally the main logic, that makes URL rewriting.
int RewriteURL(FilterContext* context, FilterMapURL* pEventData) {
 FilterParsedRequestLine pReqData;
 unsigned int errid=0;

 // if there are no parameters in URL - nothing to do.
 if (strstr(pEventData->url, "?")==NULL) return kFilterNotHandled;
 // read request as we are going to update query.
 context->ServerSupport(context, kGetParsedRequest, &pReqData, NULL, NULL, &errid);
 // if query starts from opendocument - nothing to do
 if (strncmp(pReqData.pQueryUri, "opendocument", strlen("opendocument"))==0) return kFilterNotHandled;
 // adding opendocument before query and put result in pEventData->pathBuffer
 sprintf(pEventData->pathBuffer, "%s?opendocument&%s", pReqData.pPathUri, pReqData.pQueryUri);

 return kFilterHandledEvent;
Solution we did works like a charm and what is very important it does not affect page load time (we measured of course)

Related topics
DSAPI for Domino
Solution for Lotus Domino to the trailing slash problem
Replacement for DSAPI in Java/XPages

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Error pages in Domino

First of all I'd like to briefly describe few another ways we can use to manage error pages in Domino.
Also notice, I will definitely update post few times more after all.

1. Lazy solution $$ReturnGeneralError and MessageString
It's the most fast and easy solutions, it require to create 1 design element (form) $$ReturnGeneralError, style it and add MessageString somewhere to explain what is wrong
- I see only 1 advantage compare to another approaches, its time to implement. Once you create $$ReturnGeneralError it starts to work. So few clicks and few minutes to manage output UI and you have solution.
- works inside of application only. So if you have 10 web applications, you need to manage error page in each of it. However you can setup inheritance and manage all error pages from 1 place etc.
- not very flexible on my opinion as we can operate with form-design elements only.

2. HTTP response headers
Simply create error page as design element or as document (does not matter) and create rule for your website in Domino Directory database. It does not require special knowledge and it is simple to use.

- easy to manage
- path to Error page (means we can use different database to keep error pages)
- we can use both: Design Elements and Documents as error page.
- require minor Administration of Domino skills.
it works in the same way as client side redirection. i.e. user will see “blink” of standard 404 page before loading custom 404 page.

3. "Whole server" solution
Use HTTPMultiErrorPage property in the Notes.ini file, for example HTTPMultiErrorPage=/error.html. Create rule on the Domino server for /error.html to be substituted corresponding page.

4. DSPAI as error handler for Domino
Most complicated approach but also most flexible from my point of view. There is quite low information about how to use it. It requires knowledge of Notes C Api as well. If you want to see how it looks, here is very good exampe (it helped me a lot) on loggin using DSAPI
Company I worked in use DSAPI for handling URL already, and now we are near to implement error handling using DSAPI as well (it already implemented it on development server, so soon I will show you real links etc).
DSAPI allows us to catch responses Domino generated for users and we can replace output in case if responce 400, 404 or any another.

I will post most important part of logic here, just to how overview how DSAPI works and what is gives to us. Notice I've changed code a bit, to show only most important part of it (I will copy comments from Paul's example just to make things faster) 

1. initiation of filter and register for response event
* FilterInit() - Required filter entry point. Called upon
* filter startup, which occurs when HTTP server task is started.
DLLEXPORT unsigned int FilterInit(FilterInitData* filterInitData) {
   filterInitData->eventFlags = kFilterResponse;
so what we did there, say to filter that we want to process response events
2. Link events we registered with functions
* HttpFilterProc() - Required filter entry point. Dispatches the event notifications to the appropriate functions for handling the events.
DLLEXPORT DWORD HttpFilterProc(FilterContext *pContext, DWORD dwEventType, void *pEventData)
 switch (dwEventType) {
  case kFilterResponse:
   return Response(pContext, pEventData);

 return kFilterNotHandled;
Now we can process Responses to users
3. This is how we process Response to users
int Response(FilterContext* context, FilterResponseHeaders* eventData) {
 int responce = eventData->responseCode;

 if (responce==404) {
  if (Send404(context) == TRUE) {
   return kFilterHandledRequest;
 return kFilterNotHandled;
4. Finally code for Send404() how we replace content to users
While you read code you need to know that when we load filter we also initiate a table with KEY-HTML arrays. Yes we keep in memory Error HTML pages with keys we need. Our Keys - domain, we handle error pages on domain level, means for - is 1 error page, for is another error page. But you can do it in another way its up to you.
int Send404(FilterContext* context) {
 FilterResponseHeaders         response;
 unsigned int   errID = 0;
 char     szBuffer[DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE]={0};
 char     pszErrorPage[ERRRO_PAGE_SIZE]={0};
 FilterParsedRequestLine pRequestLine;
 unsigned int   pErrID;
 int      i;

 // As we are returning the entire page to the browser, we can 
 // set the response code to 404 (so the domino web log will show the error)
 response.reasonText="Bad Request";
 // get domain name (its our key), could be done faster? right now its simple walk via 10-20 documents which is fine for now
 context->ServerSupport(context, kGetParsedRequest, &pRequestLine, NULL, NULL, &pErrID);
 for(i=0; i<errorPagesCount;i++) {
  if (strcmp(errorKey[i], pRequestLine.pHostName)==0) {
   strcpy(pszErrorPage, errorHTML[i]);

 if(strlen(pszErrorPage)<10) {
  sprintf(szBuffer, "Error page on %s is very small, something wrong", pRequestLine.pHostName);
  writeToLog(CRITICAL_MSG, szBuffer);
  return FALSE;

 sprintf(szBuffer, "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n\nContent-length: %i\n\n", strlen(pszErrorPage));
 response.headerText = szBuffer;

 if (context->ServerSupport(context, kWriteResponseHeaders, &response, 0, 0, &errID) != TRUE) {
  sprintf(szBuffer, "Error sending redirect, code: %d", errID);
  writeToLog(CRITICAL_MSG, szBuffer);
  return FALSE;
    if (context->WriteClient(context, pszErrorPage, (unsigned int) strlen(pszErrorPage), 0, &errID) != TRUE) {
  sprintf(szBuffer, "Error sending redirect, code: %d", errID);
  writeToLog(CRITICAL_MSG, szBuffer);
  return FALSE;
 return TRUE;
OK guys, I've shared most complicated part of this DSAPI for error handling, rest you have complete yourself (homework :)), but feel free to ask my help here if you need.
- most flexible approach (at least from those which I know)
- our logic control everything we want and we clearly see what is going on
- most complicated ways from all I described
- require knowledge of Notes C API
- I did not try yet this solution with Linux servers (but I know it is possible to do)
- it may crash your Domino server in case if you did you filter wrong (memory leak etc)

5. xPage error handling is on way (on pause actually) and would be nice if somebody help me with that. I've read few articles in past from Per Henrik: XPages custom 404 and error page and Controlling the HTTP response status code in XPages, I think they can be very useful for those who doing in xPages. We will try this approach as we have ongoing huge projects based on xPage. 

- ask to update/more details to article
- notify me about issues
- let me know if you know better way to handle errors

strongly recommended as it can help to many developers in future.

Monday, March 29, 2010

RefreshDesign of NotesDatabase using NotesAPI

Here is an example how we can do refresh design using NotesAPI.

I'm really interesting in approach without NotesAPI, but did not find any good. If somebody know better approach, please share it :)
 Function RefreshDesign(sourceDb As NotesDatabase, refreshServer As string)  
 Dim destPath As String  
 Dim rc As Integer  
 Dim hDb As Integer  
 If sourceDb.Isopen Then  
 'sourceDb could be local or server  
 If sourceDb.server = "" Then  
 destPath = sourceDb.filePath  
 destPath = sourceDb.server & "!!" & sourceDb.filePath  
 End If  
 ' Open the db in the API and get a handle to the open db  
 rc = W32_NSFDbOpen(destPath, hDb)  
 ' Return zero on success, non-zero on failure  
 If rc = 0 Then  
 rc = W32_DesignRefresh(refreshServer, hDb, 0, 0, 0)  
 Call W32_NSFDbClose(hDb)  
 End If  
 End If  
 End Function  

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How to kill process from LN

I found this approach as very good for my purposes. It works at least . I suppose that there are another couple even better approach, so if you know them share please.


dwSize As Long
cntUsage As Long
th32ProcessID As Long
th32DefaultHeapID As Long
th32ModuleID As Long
cntThreads As Long
th32ParentProcessID As Long
pcPriClassBase As Long
dwFlags As Long
szexeFile As String * 260
End Type
Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32.dll" (Byval dwDesiredAccess As Long, Byval blnheritHandle As Long, Byval dwAppProcessId As Long) As Long
Declare Function ProcessFirst Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "Process32First" (Byval hSnapshot As Long, uProcess As PROCESSENTRY32) As Long
Declare Function ProcessNext Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "Process32Next" (Byval hSnapshot As Long, uProcess As PROCESSENTRY32) As Long
Declare Function CreateToolhelpSnapshot Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot" (Byval lFlags As Long, lProcessID As Long) As Long
Declare Function TerminateProcess Lib "kernel32.dll" (Byval ApphProcess As Long, Byval uExitCode As Long) As Long
Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32.dll" (Byval hObject As Long) As Long

Public Sub KillProcess(NameProcess As String)
Dim uProcess As PROCESSENTRY32
Dim RProcessFound As Long
Dim hSnapshot As Long
Dim SzExename As String
Dim ExitCode As Long
Dim MyProcess As Long
Dim AppKill As Boolean
Dim AppCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim WinDirEnv As String

If NameProcess <> "" Then
AppCount = 0

uProcess.dwSize = Len(uProcess)
hSnapshot = CreateToolhelpSnapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0&)
RProcessFound = ProcessFirst(hSnapshot, uProcess)

i = Instr(1, uProcess.szexeFile, Chr(0))
SzExename = Lcase$(Left$(uProcess.szexeFile, i - 1))
WinDirEnv = Environ("Windir") + "\"
WinDirEnv = Lcase$(WinDirEnv)

If Right$(SzExename, Len(NameProcess)) = Lcase$(NameProcess) Then
AppCount = AppCount + 1
MyProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, uProcess.th32ProcessID)
AppKill = TerminateProcess(MyProcess, ExitCode)
Call CloseHandle(MyProcess)
End If
RProcessFound = ProcessNext(hSnapshot, uProcess)
Loop While RProcessFound
Call CloseHandle(hSnapshot)
End If
End Sub

Thursday, May 15, 2008

how to choose folder using lotus script + api

Sometimes we need to choose a folder during our process of development, but special function for this I did not found. Very often we need to choose only folder (for example for saving attaches from documents)

To solve this task we can use Win API 's methods. Here you will see an example of it.


Const MAX_PATH = 260
Type BrowseInfo
hWndOwner As Long
pIDLRoot As Long
pszDisplayName As Long
lpszTitle As String
ulFlags As Long
lpfnCallback As Long
lParam As Long
iImage As Long
End Type
Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib "shell32" Alias "SHBrowseForFolderA" (lpbi As BrowseInfo ) As Long
Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32" Alias "SHGetPathFromIDListA" ( Byval pidList As Long, Byval lpBuffer As String ) As Long
Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" ( Byval lpClassName As Any, Byval lpWindowName As Any ) As Long
Main functionFunction ChooseFolder ( dialogPrompt As String ) As String

Dim lpIDList As Long
Dim sBuffer As String * 255
Dim sReturnVal As String
Dim szTitle As String
Dim tBrowseInfo As BrowseInfo

sBuffer = String ( Len ( sBuffer ) , Chr(0) )
szTitle = dialogPrompt
tBrowseInfo.hWndOwner = FindWindow ( "notes", &H0 )
tBrowseInfo.lpszTitle = szTitle
lpIDList = SHBrowseForFolder ( tBrowseInfo )

If ( lpIDList ) Then
SHGetPathFromIDList lpIDList, sBuffer
ChooseFolder = Left ( sBuffer, Instr ( sBuffer, Chr(0) ) - 1)
End If

End Function

Here is the code on button
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim w As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim folder As String

Set doc = w.CurrentDocument.Document

folder = ChooseFolder("Select directory")

If folder<>"" Then
Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("FolderPath", folder)
Call w.CurrentDocument.Refresh
End If

End Sub

Friday, December 21, 2007

Windows 95 or Windows NT

I was surprised when my friend shown me this in "help" ! I gave respect to Lotus after that.

This example compiles and runs in either Windows 3.1, Windows NT, or Windows 95. Depending on whether the application is compiled and run under 16-bit Windows (Windows 3.1) or 32-bit Windows (Windows 95 or Windows NT), you should declare and use an appropriate Windows handle variable and the appropriate version of two Windows API functions.

GetActiveWindow returns the handle (an Integer in 16-bit Windows, a Long in 32-bit Windows) of the currently active window. GetWindowText returns the text in the window title bar.

Dim winTitle As String * 80
%If WIN16 ' 16-bit Windows
Dim activeWin As Integer ' Window handles are Integer.
Declare Function GetActiveWindow% Lib "User" ()
Declare Function GetWindowText% Lib "User" _
(ByVal hWnd%, ByVal lpstr$, ByVal i%)
%ElseIf WIN32 ' 32-bit Windows
Dim activeWin As Long ' Window handles are Long.
Declare Function GetActiveWindow& Lib "User32" ()
Declare Function GetWindowText% Lib "User32" _
Alias "GetWindowTextA" _
(ByVal hWnd&, ByVal lpstr$, ByVal i&)
%End If
' Print the name of the currently active window.
activeWin = GetActiveWindow() ' Returns an Integer or a Long.
Call GetWindowText(ActiveWin, winTitle$, 80)
Print winTitle$

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Converting Host Name To IP Address

This code was found on a Visual Basic web site and converted to LotusScript. It is a LotusScript class that allows you to convert a host name to its IP address. To use, create a new HostName object. Then check the IPAddress property of the new object to get the IP address. The property is a string.

This code is best stored in a script library. Create a new script library, then go to the (Declarations) section. The first part of that section is some constants:

Public Const IP_SUCCESS = 0
Private Const WSADescription_Len = 255 ' 256, 0-based
Private Const WSASYS_Status_Len = 127 ' 128, 0-based
Public Const WS_VERSION_REQD = &H101
Public Const MIN_SOCKETS_REQD = 1
Public Const SOCKET_ERROR = -1

After that, a custom Type is needed, still in the (Declarations) section.

Public Type WSADATA
wVersion As Integer
wHighVersion As Integer
szDescription(0 To WSADescription_Len) As Integer
szSystemStatus(0 To WSASYS_Status_Len) As Integer
wMaxSockets As Long
wMaxUDPDG As Long
dwVendorInfo As Long
End Type

Note: If you are using R6, then you can define szDescription and szSystemStatus as Byte arrays instead of Integer arrays.
Next comes the Windows API calls we will need to convert the host name to the IP address:

Declare Function gethostbyname Lib "wsock32" (Byval hostname As String) As Long
Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (xDest As Any, xSource As Any, Byval nbytes As Long)
Declare Function lstrlenA Lib "kernel32" (lpString As Any) As Long
Declare Function WSAStartup Lib "wsock32" (Byval wVersionRequired As Long, lpWSADATA As WSADATA) As Long
Declare Function WSACleanup Lib "wsock32" () As Long
Declare Function inet_ntoa Lib "wsock32.dll" (Byval addr As Long) As Long
Declare Function lstrcpyA Lib "kernel32" (Byval RetVal As String, Byval Ptr As Long) As Long

Finally, the actual class definition comes. This class definition is pretty simplified (there aren't a lot of properties/methods).

Class HostName
Private HostNameStr As String
Public IPAddress As String
Public ErrMsg As String
Public Error As Integer
Sub New(host As String)
If SocketsInitialize() Then
Me.IPAddress = GetIPFromHostName(host)
Me.Error = 0
Me.ErrMsg = ""
If Not SocketsCleanup Then
Me.Error = 200
Me.ErrMsg = "Windows Sockets error occurred in Cleanup."
End If
Me.Error = 100
Me.ErrMsg = "Windows Sockets for 32 bit Windows is not successfully responding."
Me.IPAddress = ""
End If
End Sub
End Class

Some additional functions are needed. Those are defined below. They are still part of the script library.

Private Function SocketsInitialize() As Integer
Dim success As Long
SocketsInitialize = (WSAStartup(WS_VERSION_REQD, WSAD) = IP_SUCCESS)
End Function

Private Function SocketsCleanup() As Integer
If WSACleanup() <> 0 Then
SocketsCleanup = False
SocketsCleanup = True
End If
End Function

Private Function GetIPFromHostName(Byval sHostName As String) As String
Dim ptrHosent As Long
Dim ptrName As Long
Dim ptrAddress As Long
Dim ptrIPAddress As Long
Dim dwAddress As Long
ptrHosent = gethostbyname(sHostName & Chr(0))
If ptrHosent <> 0 Then
ptrName = ptrHosent
ptrAddress = ptrHosent + 12
CopyMemory ptrAddress, Byval ptrAddress, 4
CopyMemory ptrIPAddress, Byval ptrAddress, 4
CopyMemory dwAddress, Byval ptrIPAddress, 4
GetIPFromHostName = GetIPFromAddress(dwAddress)
End If
End Function

Public Function GetIPFromAddress(Address As Long) As String
Dim ptrString As Long
ptrString = inet_ntoa(Address)
GetIPFromAddress = GetStrFromPtrA(ptrString)
End Function

Public Function GetStrFromPtrA(Byval lpszA As Long) As String
GetStrFromPtrA = String$(lstrlenA(Byval lpszA), 0)
Call lstrcpyA(Byval GetStrFromPtrA, Byval lpszA)
End Function

(author is here